Sealux FlangeBand & Accepted Joint Sealing Principles
- to provide movement joints in buildings to relieve built up stress. The joint between a shower base or tub rim and adjacent wall is a movement joint liable to expand or contract.
- to ensure joint substrate compatibility and adhesion with sealants being applied to seal such movement joints. Sealants must not react with, but tenaciously adhere to joint substrates.
- to ensure the correct selection and dimensional application of sealant with a backer material to flexibly seal such movement joints. Joint design is critical for sealant flexibility.
FlangeBand is basically a three component sealing system comprising of:
- The Sealux strip
- A Sealant backer foam material
- Sealux-N silicone (or equivalent)

The selection of Sealux-N silicone and its proper dimensional application in combination with a backer material is a key principle upon which the FlangeBand Sealing System is founded.
What makes the FlangeBand Sealing System revolutionary is that we have combined this proven principle with the Sealux strip which red tinged siliconized surface has been specifically adapted for tenacious adhesion with Sealux-N silicone.
The Sealux strip membrane prepares the shower wall substrate for an indirect tenacious but part-releasable engagement with Sealux-N and the adjacent shower base or tub sidewall.
Receptors without integral tiling flanges (Fig. 1): This joint detail provides the benefit of allowing a relaxed separation and deflection of a lower portion of the Sealux strip from the wall, which in combination withflexibility in the Sealux-N silicone created through the installation of the backer material, accommodates
substantial joint expansion without joint seal failure.
Receptors with integral tiling flanges (Fig. 2): In this joint detail backer rod is not installed. The Sealux strip is installed with the red tinged siliconized surface facing the tile flange. Joint movement is accommodated through a combination of shear deflection in the Sealux-N silicone and elongation of the Sealux strip which siliconized inside surface remains tenaciously bonded to the silicone.
In both Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, the silicone bonding the receptor to the Sealux strip can be considered a permanent joint seal because it remains concealed and protected from direct exposure to the shower environment. The sealant between the tile and rim can be considered a maintenance joint seal.
The FlangeBand Sealing System follows proven joint sealing principles endorsed by Construction Codes of Practice and National Standards Authorities worldwide.